News and events

News and events related to the project will be published on this page.

Past news and events can be found in our Archive.

For teachers and instructors of the University of Basel:
In the spring 
term, the team Educational Technologies offers several training courses on how to strengthen your digital skills as well as those of your students:

You will find more information as well as the registration forms on this page.

Updates in the web portal Digital Skills

October 2024: The activities and resources of the Project Digital Literacies are in the process of becoming integral part of the regular services of the University of Basel. As a result, this web portal is currently undergoing updates. Please note in particular that the Self-test Digital Literacies is no longer available. New materials and resources will be made available on this platform in the coming months.

Stay tuned for updates.

The course for new students «UPGRADE your digital skills» is now online

September 2024: To help students make a successful start in their studies, the University of Basel now offers «UPGRADE your digital skills», a self-study course that is accessible through the ADAM learning platform. The course is also open to all other university members who wish to become more familiar with the university's digital infrastructure and expand their digital skills.

The course is currently only available in German and can be found on this website.

AI-based tools

In the past months, AI-based tools have received a growing amount of public attention. Questions have emerged about the use of such tools in teaching. To support its teaching teams, the University of Basel has put together various resources, including courses on AI in teaching as well as Citing AI tools, a document for students that provides guidelines on how to cite generative tools.

You will find more information and downloads on the internet page AI in learning and teaching.

For teaching staff, the central entry point is the Intranet page “AI in teaching” (accessible to University members only).
Several resources on this web portal have also been updated. Check in particular: